Category: News

  • Funeral services for Brian Costella

    Funeral services for Brian Costella

    York Chess Club’s founder, Brian Costella, 58, of York, died Saturday morning, Oct. 26, at his home in York. There will be a viewing and memorial service Thursday, Oct. 31, at Beck Funeral Home, 3670 E. Market St. York, PA. Viewing will start at noon. Service will follow at 1 p.m.

  • A note about our founder

    A note about our founder

    Brian Costella, founder of York Chess Club, has pancreatic cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. Due to his illness, he is unable to work or attend chess club functions. Brian is an Army veteran and a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather. He has helped build a large and growing chess community in the middle of Pennsylvania…

  • York Chess Club meetings at Round the Clock Diner cancelled

    We are sorry to announce that York Chess Club meetings at Round the Clock Diner are cancelled starting today. We are thankful to Round the Clock Diner for hosting us these past few years and would love to continue, but our club organizers are no longer able to attend or facilitate the Thursday night meetings.…